ببساطـــة الصورة رقم (5)



Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies

Anti-GAD antibodies target an enzyme called Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase. This enzyme is responsible for converting glutamic acid to GABA,a chemical found in high concentrations in the cerebellum. It is believed that the lack of GABA results in cerebellar ataxia. Patients with cerebellar ataxia of an unknown cause should have an anti-GAD test. The anti-GAD antibodies have also been associated with a disease characterized by stiffness of the muscles, called “stiff person syndrome”. The stiff person syndrome and cerebellar ataxia do not necessarily occur together in patients with anti-GAD antibodies. Anti-GAD antibodies are particularly common in diabetes mellitus and autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The treatment for anti-GAD antibodies is corticosteroids or prednisone to reduce the abnormal immune response. If this is ineffective infusion of immunoglobulin intravenously (IVIG) or a procedure called plasma exchange can be used.

the Anti GAD Ab. is indication for the diagnosis of DM type 1 and it appears in the body in the early stage of the disease


HAM’s test or by another name acidification test , Use to diagnose paroxysmal nocturnal hemoblobinuria PNH.
(condition where an abnormal cell surface leads to the premature destruction of the cells) بالعربى لما تلاقى هيموجلوبين فى البول من غير كرات دم حمراء)
Principle of the test by acidification of blood measure any increase in the fragility of red blood cells when they are placed in mild acid
Positive mean PNH Positive


Add 50% of concentrated or 6 N HCl to the 24hrs urine container to maintain pH between 1.0 & 3.0


Quentiferon T.B Gold :عينة دم للمساعده فى تشخيص الدرن بأنواعه فى الاطفال والكبار ويعتبر
Good negative

ويمتاز عن التيوبركيولين بالاتى :
1- لا حاجه لحقن المريض بماده
2- لا تحدث مشاكل ف قراءة النتيجه
3- لا حاجه لمجىء المريض اكثر من مره
4- عدم اصابة المريض بحساسية او كدمات من الحقن


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